Usein kysytyt kysymykset
1. Milloin pääsemme rakentamaan messuosastoamme aikaisintaan?
Boogieman on käytettävissä 2.5 torstaina klo 08-20. Heidän toivomus olisi, että suurin osa tapahtumaan osallistuvista näytteilleasettajista saapuisi paikalle klo 18 - 20 välillä. Näin vältytään tuomasta tavaroita vielä keskeneräisille osastoille.
2. Mikä on messupäivän aikataulu?
Yritykset voivat tulla vahvistuksen mukaisesti klo 7.00 perjantaiaamuna, eli heille jää 2,5h aikaa klo 9.30 asti. Purku alkaa heti klo 18, kun messut sulkeutuvat ja olemme varautuneen siihen, että purku on valmis klo 22.
3. Tarvitaanko erillisiä kulkulupia?
Ei. Sisäänkäynti ennen messujen avaamista on Tampere-Talon S-ovesta (liitteenä ajo-ohje). Toki pääovistakin pääsee klo 8 jälkeen, mutta sen eteen ei voi pysäköidä. Tampere-Talon P-alue on maksullista, lähialueella on myös P-taloja. Lisätietoja:
Delivery of marketing material
Deliver all materials to aineisto(a)
Your company logo
Your company's color printable logo in PNG or PDF format, file size max. 5mb. By default, logos will be used against a white background.
If there is any ambiguity in your fair package, please contact your contact person.
The above-mentioned materials must be delivered directly to the e-mail that came with the order confirmation.
The presenters and topics of your speeches
We ask you to send the names of the presenters of your informative speeches, the topics of the speeches and photos of the speakers for marketing and the program directly to the e-mail address provided to you separately.
The fair's speaker program will be published on the event's website during April and will be supplemented weekly until the start of the fair. We will inform the speakers separately about the time.
Material for the handbook
Materials for the handbook:
If your fair package includes an advertisement or an article for the event handbook, we ask you to deliver it in color and in printable form in PDF format.
The sizes of the manual program notifications are as follows:
Malli | Koko |
1/4 sivu | 176x62,5mm |
1/2 sivu | 176x125mm |
1/1 sivu | 176x250mm |
Aukeama | 352x250mm |
Takakansi | 176x250mm |
Etukansi | 176x250mm |
Ordering furniture and accessories for the exhibition stand
Booth design and furniture
Boogeyman Oy works as a trade fair builder and from them you can order tables, chairs, sofas, televisions, screens, green plants, etc. to be delivered to the stands.
Boogeyman Oy
Mira Siekkeli
0400 352 622
mira.siekkeli [ät]
The default color of the carpet in the exhibition stand is light gray. If you want a different color carpet, contact Boogeyman directly.
If you want your company's logo or name on the headboard of your department, these must be ordered separately from Boogeyman. Basic electricity and wireless internet are standard in the exhibition stands.
Wireless internet credentials and passwords will be delivered to the exhibition stands on the day of the fair.
In addition, each exhibition stand includes basic furniture, which is presented and defined in the media card sent to you on behalf of your contact person
The day of
The entrance for exhibitors is from the S-door, on the Kalevantie side. You can get instructions on transporting the exhibition stand's supplies here.
We recommend parking in either Finnpark's P-Tampere building, P-Tullintori or VR Tampere (train station) parking garages.